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Educational Materials and Manuscript Reprints
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology and Clinical and Experimental Dermatology
Pediatr Dermatol, 2021. Adv Neonatal Care, 2021. Pediatrics & Neonatology, 2021.
National Association of Neonatal Therapists, 2019
Clinical Pediatrics, 2019. Robert J. O’Connor, MS, FACRP; Veronica Sanchez, PhD; Wang Y; Roger Gibb, PhD; Donald L. Nofziger, MD; Mary Bailey, PhD; Andrew Carr, PhD
Pediatric Dermatology, 2014. Mauricio Odio, PhD and Lauren Thaman, MS
Clinical Pediatrics, 2018. Veronica Sanchez, PhD; Michelle Maladen-Percy, MS; Jennifer Gustin, BS, ChE; Amy Tally, BS; Roger Gibb, PhD; Julie Ogle, BS; Dianna C. Keanneally, MBA; and Andrew N. Carr, PhD
Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 2018. Jennifer Gustin, BS; Roger Gibb, PhD; Dianna Kenneally, MBA; Ben Kutay, BS; Susana Waimin Siu, MBA; Don Roe, BS
Clinical Pediatrics, 2014. Jennifer L. Counts; C. Tucker Helmes, PhD; Dianna Kenneally, BS, ChE, MBA; and David R. Otts, PhD
Diaper Dermatitis Differential Diagnosis Tool
American Academy of Pediatrics guide to differential diagnosis of skin conditions on the diapered area, provided by a grant from Pampers
Academy of Neonatal Nurses guide to enable standardized assessment and improved tracking of diaper dermatitis in infants, provided by a grant from Pampers
Lauren Heimall, MSN, RNC, PCNS-BC and Carolyn Lund, RN, MS, FAAN
National Association of Neonatal Nurses in-depth analysis and discussion on proper neonatal positioning, provided by a grant from Pampers (CNE credit available for completing at
Positioning the Neonate for Best Outcomes - Laminate
National Association of Neonatal Nurses visual guide to proper neonatal positioning, provided by a grant from Pampers
A twist and new observation in a case of persistent neonatal hyperuricosuria
Clinical Pediatrics, 2015. Purandare, A.V., Broom M.A.
Skin care in the NICU patient: Effects of wipes vs. cloth and water on stratum corneum integrity
Neonatology, 2009. Visscher M., Odio M., Taylor T., White T., Sargent S., Sluder L., Smith L., Flower T., Mason B., Rider M., Huebner A. and Bondurant P.
Continuous topical administration of a petrolatum formulation by a novel disposable diaper (Part 1) Effect on skin surface microtopography
Dermatology, 2000. Odio M.R., O’Connor R.J., Sarbaugh F., Baldwin S.
Continuous topical administration of a petrolatum formulation by a novel disposable diaper (Part 2) Effect on skin condition
Dermatology, 2000. Odio M.R., O’Connor R.J., Sarbaugh F., Baldwin S.
2020. Taryn L. Temples, MSN, RNC-NIC, CNE, Academy of Neonatal Nursing (ANN)
2022. Stephen DeMeo, DO, MEd
2020. Pampers Professional
2022. Chris Peltier, MD, FAAP; Sarah A. Denny, MD, FAAP; Katherine L. Broering, MD, FAAP; and Dawne Gardner, MBA, CPST